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Continuous Improvement: Inspiring Better Public Services 28th May 2014

Continuous Improvement ImageReally good work has been done in pockets across the public sector, but a lot is being replicated in different parts of the UK. The Continuous Improvement conference provides an excellent opportunity for organisations to share what they have done so far, as well as to learn from what others are doing. There must be an appetite for seeking out good practice and learning from others; the best are constantly looking to find out where things are being done better.

Inspiration and innovation should be embedded in the DNA of every organisation. There is an awful lot of work still to be done to make CI unexceptional – so well-embedded that it is simply the way things are done. With an urgent need across the public sector to deliver efficiencies, the benefits of CI are clear, but success depends upon strong leadership and the engagement of staff at all levels. Profound cultural change is required.

At Continuous Improvement: Inspiring Better Public Services, delegates will hear from a wide range of best practice case studies with examples from across the UK and across public services, including central and local government, NHS, police and fire services and higher education. Lessons from the successful implementation of CI are applicable to all, regardless of sector or discipline. This event is about sharing and learning, aiming to inspire you with examples of innovative practices you can take away and implement in your own organisation.

Supported by the Institute for Continuous Improvement in the Public Sector (ICiPS), the conference seeks to support the public sector in becoming self-sufficient in the implementation of continuous improvement, facilitating cross-cutting initiatives, encouraging skills development and supporting delivery.

Speakers include:

Greg Hobbs


Debbie Simpson

Mark Robinson

Head of Continuous Improvement Across Government

CEO, Institute for Continuous Improvement in the Public Sector

Head of Lean, University of St Andrews

Subjects being discussed on the day include:

The importance of collaboration
Delivering continuous improvement
Injecting innovation into public service
Collaborative working/making space for CI
Sharing Best Practice – featuring examples from central and local government, the NHS, police and fire services, and higher education

Reproduced from the conference website by kind permission.

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